Teacher Dr Damian Kacperski   Date 22/03/2025
Location The class will be taught at Body Organics Studios West End.

Registrants can attend via zoom and a link will be sent to registrants.

Paid subscribers to MoveMent will automatically receive a link via email
  Time 11 am
    Duration 90minutes

In this 90-minute webinar osteopath, dr Damian Kacperski, will join us to discuss all things knee replacement. Dr Kacperski is a former professional dancer, now osteopath and Pilates teacher is someone who has a thorough understanding of movement. These days he has added a new string to his bow now works as a specialist consultant to Arthrex medical device company. This means he works with surgeons throughout Queensland assisting in providing the right joint replacement for particular surgeries.

The webinar will cover the process of knee replacement as well as the client needs both before and after surgery.

Specific questions that will be answered during the webinar are:

// What are the indicators for a knee replacement?

Changes in function and participation in activities

Levels of pain

// What are all the joints that are being changed and why are the surgeons talking about titanium pins etc?

// Should I stay or should I go now – to a double knee replacement? What are some of the things to think about.

// What happens in the surgeries and post suregery and how does that impact range of motion, stability etc?

The webinar will include:

// theory

// practical

// question and answers

Participants will receive a recording after the webinar.

The cost of the webinar alone is $30 but FREE for MoveMent Subscribers

AU$ 30.00

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