Peripheral Neuropathies PIlates Specialist Manual

Learn about peripheral neuropathy and its causes, impacts and treatments. This eBook explains chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in detail as well as the mechanism of action of neurotoxic chemotherapy agents.

The repertoire section of this eBook is designed to give ideas about how sensory input can be incorporated into a movement class setting so as to assist with neural patterning and recovery.

The specialist eBook Peripheral Neuropathies is an extract from our comprehensive specialist manual Cancer and Autoimmune Conditions which covers in detail the impact of cancers, their different treatments, consequences and appropriate exercises.

Written by Carla MullinsDr Janet Schloss and Nadia Labort, this eBook is ideal for Pilates teachers, exercise physiologists, physiotherapists and osteopaths. People experiencing these conditions first-hand can also benefit, with its explanations, exercise considerations, diagrams and colour photographs.

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