kneeling women
Teacher Carla Mullins   Date 06/09/2024
Location Exhale 4107.   -1/7 Second Avenue.   SANDGATE QLD 4017   Time 12- 3pm
    Duration 3 hours

This is a three hour face to face workshop about the knee. In this workshop we will explore the anatomy of the knee and how it informs functional movement. This knowledge will then be applied to improve understanding about how to work and respond to the needs of clients with knee problems, including:

// niggly knees

// osteoarthritis of the knee

// ACL tears

// Meniscus injuries

// Pre and post knee surgeries  eg knee replacements

// Bakers cysts.

We will explore repertoire that can be applied both in the studio and for client homework.

What is included:

// 3 hours face to face practical applications and progressions of repertoire

// 3 hours supported online learning, that will be available for participants for three years from the course

// printed colour manual


AU$ 180.00

When :  Friday 6 th September 12- 3pm

Where:  Exhale 4107.   -1/7 Second Avenue.   SANDGATE QLD 4017

Early bird prices expires 9 August 2024

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