Coming from a professional sporting background, Linda has always had an interest in human movement and what makes us tick.
Structural Integration Practitioner
Linda McClure of Quantum Health Solutions now works in Brisbane but has been practising as a Structural Integration therapist for more than 25 years. She has an Advanced Diploma in Hellerwork Structural Integration and is an Aston Kinetics Movement Therapist.
She has undertaken Post Graduate studies with the Hakomi Institute in Developmental Psychology and Sensorymotor Psychotherapy and has a Masters of Counselling degree from the University of New England.
Linda is also a teacher and trainer of Structural Integration and Co-Director of the Australian School of Applied Structural Integration. She regularly presents at conventions and symposiums in her field and writes articles for a number of bodywork and massage professional journals both locally and internationally.

The Bent Man
Linda likes to call the field she works in ‘Spacial Medicine’, which not only covers how we organise our physical reality but also our psychological reality. This brings together the idea that posture and alignment can affect not only our physical health but also our emotional wellbeing. Linda seeks to help people regain their optimum health through working with a comprehensive approach to posture and alignment using the process of connective or soft tissue remodelling.
The program she designs for her clients works with the musculature of the body using a specialised deep tissue type massage, enabling clients to experience a new sense of flexibility and range of movement in their body. When combined with movement and postural awareness lessons, clients can become conscious of their habitual postural and emotional proclivities that perpetuate injury, discomfort and in many instances prevent the body from maximising it ability to heal properly.
Linda McClure provides structural integration treatments in Brisbane at the Body Organics studio at West End.
Find out more about Structural Integration or visit the Australian School of Applied Structural Integration & Somatic Studies.