Makarlu Lotus
Teacher Carla Mullins   Date 01/11/2024
Location Bellingen Pilates
38A Hyde Street, Bellingen NSW Australia 2454
  Time 1 - 2.30 pm
    Duration 1.5 hours

In this new series of Masterclasses we will be using Makarlu Lotus and Coast with our new range of products including the Pebble. This is an Australian made and designed product series, that was been awarded Gold at the Australian Good Design Awards for sustainable products.

The  1 1/2 hour class is fun and engaging and will be varied to the needs and interests of the group on the day.  Topics covered include:

// Balance and agility systems challenges

// Joint mobility and support including hands, feet, knees, hip and spine

Makarlu Lotus & Coast and the Pebble will be supplied during the workshop if you don’t have them.

Participants can preorder their Makarlu Lotus, Coast and Pebble and will receive these at a 10% discounted rate. You will receive a coupon code to access the discount when you register. Product can also be purchased at the workshop depending on supply.




AU$ 35.00

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